An “interesting” group of people took note of or invested in cryptocurrencies in Venezuela. Altcoin in these times of crisis have served as the old “tonics” that cured various diseases.

The popularity of cryptoactives increased in the days of so much inflation. Everyone was looking for solutions against the loss of the value of the bolivar. It was an insider’s tip, but the brave ones signed up for digital currencies. It is believed that more than one millionaire germinated.

The terms that continue to duel and thin the soil of the national economy have ideological language. Trials and errors have been difficult to correct; but on the beaches of the crypts they have all ended up.

From the left, beyond the thickness of “socialism”, in Caracas’ lands the Petro was born. And if we are talking about popularity, just by invoking Bitcoin we know that we are talking about a lot of money.

The crypto-money in Venezuela has not stopped its advance. The de facto dollarization that exists in the Caribbean nation has not managed to dampen interest in them. All kinds of activities are in full swing.

With the crypto-currencies in Venezuela, mining, trading and exchange companies are being created. The State also created Sunacrip, in charge of regulating the activities of natural individuals and legal persons inherent in and derived from the development of the Integral Cryptoactive System.

A great terrain to work on

The cryptocurrencies in Venezuela have been oxygenated with the help of CRIXTO, a fast, easy and secure payment platform. The UK start-up that started operations in our country works only with Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. It offers its users updated information about the market quotations of the altcoin of their interest.

In the country CRIXTO is unique because there is no other company that has the same commercial promise. CRIXTO is a digital platform to make payments with crypto currencies in Venezuela.

However, its scope will be all of Latin America. Through it, users will be able to make payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. The happiest thing is that commercial establishments will receive dollars, euros or legal tender directly in their bank accounts.

With CRIXTO you can make your payments using your mobile phone in a simple, fast and comfortable way. Your crypto-currencies in Venezuela will be safe and secure in our platform. And you will be able to make recharges from any wallet in the world, where you have your cryptocurrencies.

With CRIXTO, businesses will be able to accept payments in cryptocurrencies and receive dollars, euros or local currency directly in their bank accounts.

It makes no difference to the business establishment if they pay with cryptocurrencies, as they will receive their payment in the currency of their choice, thus avoiding the risk of volatility in the cryptomonies market.

Cryptocurrencies in Venezuela - Crixto

A reality in Venezuela

According to the crypto currency statistics portal Coin Dance, Venezuela is the country with the highest number of person-to-person Bitcoin transactions on the continent, even above the United States. In the world, only Russia surpasses Venezuela.

Cryptocurrencies in Venezuela are very popular. Of course the jewel in the crown is Bitcoin. Figures from the crypt coin analysis website reveal that in February 2020 Russia exchanged 2,400 units of Bitcoin and Venezuela exchanged 1440 units.

If calculated according to the volume of dollars traded, in February 2020 Russia was the leader in this market with 23.6 million dollars and Venezuela remained second on the list with 13.8 million dollars.

In terms of the variety of crypto currencies in Venezuela, it can be said that there are all the international ones. The country trades and invests in all of them. As a particular data we can make a list of those that are native.

It is necessary to start with the Petro, because it is the crop currency of the Venezuelan state. However, there are others: Bolivarcoin, Arepa Coin, OnixCoin, Rilcoin, AndesCoin, Dracma and PerlaCoin. These are the most notable, there are many more.